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Anthony Novack's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

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Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify will be invited to take the 2020 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?
This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.

Washington State Legislative Election 2010 Political Courage Test

Pro-choice a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life?
No b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy?
Yes c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape?
Yes d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered?
e) Do you support requiring parental notification before an abortion is performed on a minor?
f) Do you support requiring parental consent before an abortion is performed on a minor?
Yes g) Do you support sexual education programs that include information on abstinence, contraceptives, and HIV/STD prevention methods?
No h) Do you support abstinence-only sexual education programs?
In general, I support parental notification either before or after an abortion has been performed. The Question about parental notification and consent depends on the details. The possibility exists, for example, where a child may have been the victim of sexual assault by the parent, with consent of the parent, or by a relative. Notification would not be appropriate in such an instance

1) State SpendingIndicate what state funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one level per category; you may use a number more than once.2) State TaxesIndicate what state tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one level per category; you may use a number more than once.3) Budget StabilizationIndicate which proposals you support (if any) for balancing Washington's budget.

Maintain Status a) Education (higher)
Slightly Increase b) Education (K-12)
Maintain Status c) Environment
d) Health care
Maintain Status e) Law enforcement
Slightly Decrease f) Transportation and highway infrastructure
Slightly Decrease g) Welfare
h) Other or expanded categories
Maintain Status a) Alcohol taxes
Maintain Status b) Cigarette taxes
Slightly Decrease c) Corporate taxes
Slightly Increase d) Gasoline taxes
Slightly Decrease e) Property taxes
Maintain Status f) Sales taxes
Slightly Increase g) Other or expanded categories
Yes a) Tapping into Washington's "rainy day" fund
Yes b) Instituting an income tax on high-earners
Yes c) Extending the suspension of Initiative 960, the Taxpayer Protection Act
Yes d) Issuing the early release of certain non-violent offenders
No e) Increasing tuition rates at public universities
Yes f) Instituting mandatory furloughs and layoffs for state employees
g) Reducing benefits for Medicaid recipients
Yes h) Privatizing certain government services
The state should spend more effort to tax pollution, products that waste resources (such as single use non recycleable cups) or, are detrimental to the long-term health of people (candy, soda pop) Gasoline taxes should have been tied to inflation rates. We pay less, relative to the price of gasoline, than we did when the tax was created.
I am not firmly committed to most of the aforementioned proposals but, am open to all options that will resolve the long-term budgetary crisis. The failure of Initiative 960 is that it does not require a super majority to lower taxes as well as raise them. The same legislation was passed in California resulting in government shutdown, long before the economic crisis reached its peak. The California government was briefly writing IOU's to pay their bills.

c) Do you support limits on the following types of contributions to candidates for state government?

Yes a) Do you support limits on the number of terms for Washington governors?
Yes b) Do you support limits on the number of terms for Washington state legislators?
Yes 1) Individual
Yes 2) Political Action Committee
Yes 3) Corporate
Yes 4) Political Party
Yes d) Should candidates for state office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits?
Yes e) Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?
I believe that a small amount of public funds should be made available to candidates. Our current system allows individuals to accumulate hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions while truly independent, civic minded candidates with no political affiliation are unable to make any impact on the election due to the huge disparity in campaign contributions.
Yes a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
Yes b) Do you support alternatives to incarceration for certain non-violent offenders, such as mandatory counseling or substance abuse treatment?
Yes c) Should the possession of small amounts of marijuana be decriminalized?
d) Should a minor accused of a violent crime be prosecuted as an adult?
e) Should a minor who sends sexually-explicit or nude photos by cell phone face criminal charges?
No f) Do you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local police?
Citizens of Washington State should not have to feel fear of possible harassment from uniformed officers
a) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector?
Yes b) Do you support the privatization of liquor sales?
c) Do you support increased state funding for job-training programs that re-train displaced workers?
Yes d) Do you support expanding access to unemployment benefits?
Yes e) Do you support providing financial incentives to the private sector for the purpose of job creation?
f) Do you support increased spending on infrastructure projects for the purpose of job creation?
g) Do you support providing direct financial assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure?
The state should follow the example from Georgia and allow individuals to receive unemployment benefits for up to six weeks while training into a new job that differs significantly from their previous position. Such an expansion would motivate businesses to hire people at a reduced wage whom may not have all the desired qualifications. A waiver of state minimum wage laws should apply to employees under the age of 18 who work less than full-time but still attend school.
a) Do you support national education standards?
Yes b) Do you support requiring public schools to administer high school exit exams?
c) Do you support using a merit pay system for teachers?
Yes d) Do you support state funding for charter schools?
Yes e) Do you support the state government providing college students with financial aid?
f) Should illegal immigrants who graduate from Washington high schools be eligible for in-state tuition at public universities?
g) Other or expanded principles
a) Do you support state funding for the development of alternative energy?
No b) Do you support state funding for the development of traditional domestic energy sources (e.g. coal, natural gas, oil)?
No c) Do you support providing financial incentives to farms that produce biofuel crops?
Yes d) Do you support state funding for improvements to Washington's energy infrastructure?
Yes e) Do you support state funding for open space preservation?
Yes f) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?
g) Other or expanded principles
a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?
Yes b) Do you support requiring background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows?
Yes c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns?
Yes d) Do you support requiring a license for gun possession?
Yes e) Do you support a ban on assault weapons?
Hunters are all required to attend hunter education which includes training in the safe handling of firearms. A similar requirement for gun possession seems reasonable if applied to anyone with a birthday after January, 1993.
a) Do you support a universally-accessible, publicly-administered health insurance option?
Yes b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform?
c) Do you support interstate health insurance compacts?
d) Should individuals be required to purchase health care insurance?
Yes e) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits?
Yes f) Do you support continuing to allow physician-assisted suicide in Washington?
Yes g) Do you support allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes?
h) Other or expanded principles
a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman?
Yes b) Should Washington continue to allow same-sex couples to form domestic partnerships?
c) Do you support state funding for stem cell research?
d) Do you support state funding for embryonic stem cell research?
e) Do you support the state's use of affirmative action?
Yes f) Do you support the inclusion of sexual orientation in Washington's anti-discrimination laws?
g) Do you support the inclusion of gender identity in Washington's anti-discrimination laws?
I approve of stem cell and embryonic stem cell research but, I'm not sure that the state should be appropriating funds for such research, especially at this time.
Priority #1 - Set aside all non-budgetary legislation until the budget is rectified Priority #2 - is to work as a neutral intermediary between the two parties. Both parties have good ideas and need to begin a process of resolving our dire fiscal and economic crisis and not, expend their time on partisan bickering. Priority #3 - Bring Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic into state government. The Land Ethic states a an activity or change in land use is good when, it improves the biotic community (i.e the ability for the land to produce).

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